The Power of One Person
by Joe Collins
Friday, Dec. 29, 2023

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A little club in a tiny town far, far away, a group of curmudgeonly old guffaws got together and decided to meet socially and shoot black powder. They gathered meager resources and met regularly to enjoy each other’s company. They exchanged stories – told tall tales and wondered how to expand their group. By chance several grandchildren of the original members joined their forces, some as young as 10 year old. That was the beginning over 15 years ago.
The old timers enjoyed the company of the youth and encouraged them to continue with the sport. Over the years it developed into a formal NMLRA Charter Club with memberships, dues, formal rules, and all that calling themselves the Talking Rock BPShooters – but the original participants – the GOLD KEY youth owners never forgot. They got older and graduated school; some joined the military services. This then is the story of two such members.
Kaitlynn Virginia Pickle, and her sister, Mary Elizabeth Pickle – LONG TIME members of TRBPS (since early childhood) – Grandchildren of Joe and Diane Collins, are in fact members long BEFORE TRBPS became an organization have contributed heavily to our success. Mary Pickle – designed the logo for our club flag and Kaitlynn, Having just returned after completing her tour of duty, with the U.S. Army National guard, carried the same flag on her tour of duty overseas.
The attached one of four certificates attest to the fact that TRBPS pennant flag has flown over command headquarters for the 201st Regional Support Group-Forward Operations group in Tapa Estonia, Pabrade Lithuania and Adazi Latvia. The attached photo of the TRBPS flag has been signed by command and all the members of her unit. When asked if she had continued shooting BP in what little spare time she had her reply was, “you bet your Powder horn”.

Thank you Mary and Kaitlynn for all you have done for us and for your service.