Roadtrip! Friendship Indiana, home of the NMLRA
by John White
Twice a year in June and September the NMLRA hosts a national championship shoot at their home range in Friendship Indiana. Friendship is about halfway between Louisville and Cincinnati down close to the river about 30 minutes from Madison, 45 minutes from Cincinnati. Shooters come from all over the US and some come from Europe and other countries as well to compete or enjoy the fellowship and friendships made over the years. Vendors such as Dixie Gun Works, The Log Cabin Shoppe, Flintlocks Inc, Chambers Locks, L&R locks, custom builders, Pecontonica River Supply, Mr. Flintlock Lube, Ted Cash and and numerous others come to sell their wares and keep the shooters shooting as they set up in the Sheep Sheds.

There are gunsmiths, blacksmiths, engravers you name it to work on you guns and black powder galore in their powder magazine with no limit on buying. It is a huge rondy with thousands of folks attending with modern tin teepee camping and primitive camping available on site if that is your thing.
Several members of the TRBPS club attend every year and some have been going since 1979 or longer. The range complex hosts over 300 different matches over a 10 day time period from fun (running boar) to runs (seneca). From pistol to rifle to shotgun. From modern dress to period dress. From 25 yards to 600 yards. They have it all. To shoot, compete for a national championship, set a record just be a member of the NMLRA. Simple and easy to do and shoot on the prettiest range i have ever seen.

There was a request from the NMLRA this year that some of the flags flown were getting a bit thin and asked if there were clubs that could donate a state flag to be flown over the Rand House museum. The TRBPS club donated the Georgia State Flag that now flies over the Rand House alongside many other state flags. The flag was delivered this spring 2021 shoot by a group of six weary travelers from Georgia to the President of the NMLRA who was grateful for the replacement flag. It flies today in front of the Rand House, original owners of the property.

Shooting for fun, shooting for reward, dressing up in old clothes, dressing up in new clothes, throwing an axe, shooting from a bench, off hand, running, flint, percussion, shotgun, smoothbore, fowler, pistol, woods-walk, sitting, laying down, revolver, shopping for shooting gear, making friends, eating great food, museum looking, gunmakers hall of fame, gun building classes are all to do and more. Getting the picture of what goes on in a 10 day period? Chaos and fun extravaganza to the max.
So a seven hour drive from Atlanta gets you to the mecca of muzzleloading. Range is open just like any shooting club when they are not holding the big matches. Join the NMLRA and have access to all there is for muzzleloading.