Ring the Bell and Novelty Target
by John White

So again we had the threat of weather but that ended very early in the morning so our range was damp and our freshly painted loading tables were wet. But that did not phase any of our TRBPS shooters. Today we had 23 folks, 17 shooters, scorer Mike, RSO Barney, Video Director Chris, Program designer John and two what in the world is all this about visitors wanting to know what was what. We also had two brand spanking new shooters to us who had some absolutely beautiful rifles. Welcome Mike and Steve to our group of dirty shooters. Several members (7) went to the CLA show in Knoxville yesterday and brought rifles and had to sight em in, shoot em and learn about em. There was lots of gear to ogle over for sure.

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We started our check in process at 8:30am with the safety brief at 9am and course of fire shortly there after. The wind picked up pretty good on this sunny and bright day at about 11. We were done shootin’, scorin’, fussin’, discussin’ and off to the debriefing by 12.00 and it was like we were never there.
We had our normal two shooting categories as that is what our shooters want, off hand and supported. Supported is bench, standing using support of any kind, sitting, prone, kneeling etc. Plain ole roundball and patch, flint or percussion, rifle or smoothbore does not matter. Bring your gun and a mind to enjoy the day as a couple of new to us shooters experienced today.

So what did we shoot you ask, well……We shoot 10 shots, 50 yards, steel with a new steel bell ringing target to create some more variables and challenges in scoring along with several of our other new steel targets. We also shot 10 shots at the NMLRA novelty target at 25 yards.
Scoring Results:
Off Hand
1st – Jim Gravely
2nd – Erik Rolle
3rd – Bob Wilson
1st – Charlie Russell
2nd – Tim Coleman
3rd – Mike Lamb
We had nine bench shooters, 8 off hand shooters, two dry-balls, several shootin’ each others targets, popped caps, fail to fire and even a hammer strike and no pop. Shooter said duh, gotta put a cap on it.