Deercreek Gun Shop moves after 40 years

by John White :: Wed, February 1, 2023
As you all know my favorite gun shop has relocated from its 40 year location in Marietta to downtown Kennesaw, Georgia. Kennesaw is filled with history including the new location which was built in 1907.
Their landlord is next door and in what could be called now a museum, was owned by a gentleman named Dent Myers who passed a year ago now. Dent is a legend. Whenever something happened in Atlanta race related, ALL the news crews would head to Dent Myers for a quote. He would greet them with his six guns on his hips and give ’em a quote. Dent’s shop as I saw today even has an original klan hood and robe on display. Let alone all the other gear.
Kennesaw is home to “The General” across the street from the shop and is a museum for all to experience. The General which is a civil war train steam engine was stolen by union spies and they attempted to tear up the tracks from Kennesaw to Chattanooga. A Disney movie was made about it called The Great Locomotive Chase (1956). They hung all the spies.
Kennesaw also has a law on the books from 1982 that ALL residents MUST own a gun. So to say this is a great location is a monster understatement. Foot traffic, style of store caters to the town and area. Thus great things for them I hope.
So the store is a former chiropractor’s office. The large waiting area is now the sales floor. It is clean, well laid out, easy to see and find stuff and the list goes on. As I indicated to them what is missing is the smell of dust, Hoppes, Ballistol, dirt, grime. I suggested after hours touch off a small pile of black powder. Suggestion was very well received and in fact they will be spraying some Ballistol around a bit tonight. Huge area for them to walk around behind the counter to help folks. Pat can sit behind the counter, greet folks, help sell, tell stories and just enjoy what he created.
Three other rooms down the hallway are former patient treatment rooms – one is set up as the gunsmith’s workshop, another is a lounge with flat screen TV, cooking and backroom storage, workroom for the engraver and Cerakote operation.
Tuesday, January 31st was ribbon cutting with the mayor, and the Grand Opening on Wednesday, February 1st. Grand opening means let’s start selling stuff! So the intrepid five, yes five of the Talking Rock BP Shooters made their way into the shop along with my wife and two other customers. Think old shop with seven, nine folks? And then their customers started rolling in. You would not have been able to move. In this new location it is easy to move about.
The grins on Jame’s and Sarah’s face was a sight to see when we all walked in. Happy does not even describe what I saw. I mean immediate grab our thank you sponsor plaque, get together and grab a picture. I mean they were ecstatic is all I can think to say and so proud as to where they are headed.
If you watch the YouTube videos Deercreek Gun Shop is starting to post, especially from the grand opening day along with the pics, you will see we were well represented Tuesday as well.
Same guns etc. as they just moved their stock so far. I did get a cookie though! At the old place they left behind a 3″ pile of dirt, rust, crap in the gunsmith area. Used something like 10 rolls or more of paper towels and Windex bottles to clean up the dust on the goods with 12 hour days for 28 straight days. The treasures they found from the last 40 years was a sight to see. They still have a lot of stuff to put out – barrel blanks, gun stocks, etc. but a really nice store setup. Easy for customers to see it all, get to and handle.
The energy was great to see and hear. Zack, the Gunsmith and his Dad, Pat came in about 11:00. They created the original Deercreek Gun Shop you all know and love. They are happy with the legacy they now have left their family with. So here is to a tremendous success story and long term happiness. Good luck.
And last but not least, they got parking all over the place! None of this two parking spaces stuff. Make the trip ya’ll. It is well worth it.