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September 2024 – Monthly Meet – Paper Bull, Steel Hog
September 28, 2024 @ 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Paper Bull, Steel Hog
We will be shooting two relays this month, 2 with 10 shots each, patch and roundball, any caliber in these two shooting classifications off hand and bench for score. The classifications will not compete against each other for prizes, just bragging rights.
First Relay for individual score:
10 shots at 50 yards, as we have shot a lot of variety targets of late we are adding some color to our targets this month. So by popular demand or is it just demand? It will be a paper target for score. It will be a 5 bull target with color rather than our traditional black. Heck might even find some steel ground hogs to shoot at for some fun, no score, just to bring back a bad memory for the shooters and get in their heads.
Second relay for individual score:
10 shots at 25 yards, paper as well for score. Looking at some Alfred Hitchcock the birds targets as them critters are nothing but a nightmare this late summer around the homesteads with all the racket they make.
Our third Relay:
Will be a pistol match and it will be independent of the rifle match. Participation is voluntary if you have a pistol and want to shoot it for score. 5 shots, 25 yards big bull target. So bring your pistols for added chances to bring home the meat so to speak. This will be a separate match from the rifle and have its own prizes.
First shot determines your scoring category. No changing your mind after first shot. So pick either bench or offhand.
20 shots total for score. Patch and roundball. Aggregate the rifle 25 and 50 yard scores and we tell you all how ya did.
MEMBERS: Remember that we will have a Trade Blanket at all monthly meets starting in 2024. Bring any items you would like to sell, trade or barter. The items can be anything – Old, New, Blades, Period Clothing, and all manner of supplies.
Guests are always welcome who just want to watch, learn and meet folks. Bring a chair and we got two picnic tables to sit at as well.
Participation Fee: If you are …
Member of both TRBPS and PCSC: $5
Member of TRBPS and not PCSC: $10
Member of PCSC and not TRBPS: $15
Member of neither: $20