Gathering of Friends & Family Members
by Dennis Schmidt
Sept, 2021

Another successful TRBPS shoot was held Saturday at the PCSC range complex with our largest turnout to date with 12 shooters and several guest observers. We had one new member join TRBPS, Derek, welcome aboard Derek, glad to have you shooting with us along with a couple more new shooters. Several regulars were absent from this shoot so it was nice to have the new folks shooting with us to keep things interesting. We also had one youth shooter, Evan. Evan shot his dad’s rifle custom .36 cal flinter and proved to have a very good eye as he whopped many of the “senior” shooters for score.
This match day, we had two categories, off hand and bench. There were also two different targets. Half bowling pins at 50 yards and very small squirrel/Crow head paper targets at about 20 yards. Not to mention any names but both of these targets were a real challenge for some shooters. Some were confused as to which target was their’s which resulted in a real challenge for the score keeper.

There were four awards given, first and second place for Bench shooters and first and second place for Off Hand shooters. In the category of Bench Shooters one of our newer members, Dave, won first place with a score of 102. Placing second was Tim with a score of 91. In the category of Off Hand, first place was split between Bob and Jimmy with each having a score of 79. Second place was won by Jim with a score of 76.

So new shooters, great weather, challenging targets, no dry balls or shot ramrods made for a great day of fellowship and fun.
Our next club shoot is Saturday October 23rd, and the next club Social shoot is October 20th unless the holidays or weather force us to make a change.
From my prospective, thank you all for being patient with me handling this shoot, and I welcome back John who normally cuts the grass and manages the program.