1st Annual Jones Mountain Winter Rendezvous, 2023
by John White

Get-out-of-the-house, see what we are about shoot today since we have not shot in 2 plus months. No scoring we provided the targets, coffee and donuts.
At 8.30 AM it was 28 degrees. Started at 10:00 AM.
We had 25 folks, 3 young’uns – age 11 and under. Close, if not the greatest attendance for our group since we started way back in 2020.
Of those in attendance, we had 18 shooters, 7 new to see what it’s all about, 3 new shooters who’ve never shot with us before, and 2 new paid club members. Missing 12 or so regular member shooters.
The level of energy and excitement was off the charts. By 11:00 AM it was about 40 degrees and no breeze.
The grins, the ‘thank you’s’, ‘great day’, ‘wow look at all the people’, first shoot ever with no dry-ball, ‘I will be back’ – is almost frightening. Unreal day and not sure how to handle this many next time, but we will.