Monthly Meet – July 2024 – Blanket Prize

by John White
July 27, 2024

Blanket Prizes – so far
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So what will the next chapter bring in our 2024 survivor series of shoots? Rain, heat, wind, floods, snow? Yea, let’s go for snow today! Well no snow. But we got misty drizzly spitting rain for 40 minutes, high humidity then sunny hot with humidity and NO breeze! With the humidity we did have some sighting issues. Glasses fogged up quick making it difficult to find the targets through the fogged up glasses.

Antique Dupont Gunpowder Tin

So what did we do you ask? We had a get out of the house, beat the heat, and get a break from hearing the electric meter hum away shoot. At this shoot everyone wins! Everyone who shot with us was asked to bring a prize to be placed on a blanket for shooters to draw from based on finish. The prize should be something you value at $20 or less and willing to let someone choose as a prize as you may be selecting their prize. Everyone brings a prize, everyone wins a prize. Unique, handmade is always good of course.

Two in the field, offhand

So we started the registration sign-in at 8:30am and the course of fire description and safety briefing to start the shoot by 9:00am.

We had the two shooting categories, Offhand, and Bench to compete in classifications for fairness. Today we had 12 bench shooters, 10 offhand, and 7 visitors. We also had four brand new shooters to us who continue to watch the excellent Chris videos that document our shoots, and you all are the stars of those. We do hope none of you are in the federal witness protection program as we are starting to get a lot more views and it is spreading the word.

This still captured a hammer bounce

First Relay:
10 shots at 50 yards, we had our clay pigeon setup and we introduced some new steel animals to knock down – not for score – but to check sights and see how the setup might work for future shoots including various colors on the steel. Red was impossible to see today! From the count out of 22 shooters total, 10 shots each, it appears well over 100 clay pigeons were busted. Folks those are about 4 1/2″ in diameter.

That is a lot of hits and we did have both a bench and off hand shooter hit 10 for 10 on the clays.
Honorable Mention
Very nice shooting Brad and Charlie.

This still shows 12 harvested pigeons so far

Second Relay:
10 shots at 25 yards, five squirrels two shots each for score and remember it was a tough little bugger of a target and our shooters had to aim small miss small.

Nice Shootin’

Both relays were added together for placement within the appropriate shooting category off hand or bench. Then we go to the prize blanket so you can choose your winnings based on finish and you choose what looks good to you. We were done and gone by 12:30 – cleaned up as if we were never there.

Shooting Results:

1st – Charlie R.
2nd – Tim C.
3rd – Jon B.
4th – Michael B.

Off Hand:
1st – Brad T.
2nd – Jim G.
3rd – Erik R.
4th – Bobbie W.

These are just the top four in category. Everyone got high quality prizes and went home happy. Our goals of friendship, fellowship, camaraderie with a little shooting practice was definitely achieved from the smiles, grins, thank you’s, this is great we received. We had our usual dry-balls, hang fires, misfires, fail to fires, cap popping, caps not popping. But we did have something unique happen. On a brand-almost-spanking-new lock, 20th last shot the frizzen spring broke right off. Heard of it happening but never actually seen it till today. This year two frizzen springs and an actual broke in half this year. What is up?

Bob regards lock of new shooter’s rifle

So to all who came out today, we thank you all for participating with us even with the threat of rain and weather. Our next shoot is August 24th so keep your eyes out for the course of fire email announcement shooting at both 25 and 50 yards.

Mike clears the touch hole

We held our after shoot debrief at the Talking Rock Brewery to share stories and ideas for the future. Very nice, quiet and friendly place. We support a local family building their dream where they have plenty of cold ones. They have added a grill as well now for food purchases if you are hungry.

Brad, his smoke

So we look forward to everyone coming and shooting with us Saturday, August 24th at 8:30am. If you have any questions please holler as we are sure you have ’em. Our membership renewal is also in full swing now and is $40 annually. It runs from June 1 to May 31.

** Muzzle of the Month. July 2024 **

Enjoy the extra images below and the video that follows.
Right click image >> Open in new tab >> to see bigger picture.

Simultaneous shots

July 2024 – Blanket Prize Meet


  1. Most excellent! Tables, chairs, fire ring, benches, picnic tables, grills and even a rockin chair front porch with lots of friends. Can it get any better?

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