Homeschooled children get hands-on training in the use of black powder
by Joe Collins
Saturday, March 11, 2023

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Braving the rather cold morning, 14 youth plus a few parents from Trail Life USA and American Heritage Girls arrived at range “B” to experience a bit of history they were studying in school. The period studied covered the firearms one would expect to find from the American Revolution through the 1868 timeframe.
TRBPS volunteers – Joe Collins, Bob Witherington, Mike Westervelt, Barney Grugle and John Martin provided a variety of period firearms in various calibers and a history of their development before turning to a live fire shooting session.
Although we suffered one minor casualty with the malfunction of one flintlock from the Fur Trade era – the day was a success as deemed by the discussion held at BIG-UNS BBQ lunch.
At the end of the day the group thanked the volunteers from TRBPS and expressed the desire to come back on perhaps a warmer day and do it again with a theme……..Pirates maybe????
Enjoy the images below. Right-click > open in new tab to see a larger image.