Monthly Meet – May 2024 – Varmints Beware!

by John White
May 2024

Ken’s new Colonial rifle in .54 caliber
Right-click > open in new tab for larger image

As they say – neither rain, nor sleet, nor ice or snow shall keep TRBPS from having a fun day a shootin’. Well, we shoot but we may not finish the whole shoot. So we shot a few varmints at least. Then they all went into duck and cover mood.

Bob’s new Michael McHugh built rifle

We started our safety brief and course of fire at 9:00am. We had 15 folks shooting and 8 show watchers, admin or shooters who decided not to shoot with the grey skies looming that appeared to be going darker. By 10:00am we were down to two shots left from three bench shooters as we worked feverishly through the shoot program to beat the clouds.

Robbie’s restored Hawken style .40 caliber rifle

Alas me hardy folks it was not meant to be. The heavens opened up, the wind began a blowing, a few nice sharp cracks that sounded like a custom made, .40 cal long rifle, with a full load of powder but had a bright flash of light to go with it, and the rains began and continued and continued and continued. With no signs of let up and just too nasty a wind, did I tell you every single target frame got blown over, and one target backer flips off the frame, and some targets flew over the berm like a bird in flight. If you have watched the weather channel and the nuts standing out in the hurricanes blowing by, yea you got the picture for a bit of the time. But we’re way smarter; we stood under the covers!

1st shot! From Ken’s new Colonial .54 caliber rifle

We had our course of fire start with 8 bench shooters and 7 offhand shooters. All the offhand shooters finished the 25 yard – 10 shot relay and the soggy wet targets were scored. Glad there were holes in the targets as they could not be filled in.

Pan Primer

The results were as follows but they were not recognized due to a third of our shooters were in their cars, a third were in the hut and the remainder were standing under the covers getting the rain blown on us!

Off hand:
1st – Scott Youngblood. (New shooter!)
2nd – Bob Wilson
3rdTIE – Erik Rolle & Keith Heitzman

This was going to be a tight match folks. 1st to 4th separated by only 3 points at the halfway mark. Close.

Sparks and Smoke

Our goals of friendship, fellowship, camaraderie with a little shooting practice was definitely achieved from the smiles, grins, an thank you’s, we tried – we received. We had a first shot award to Mr. Ken our scorekeeper. He has completed a Kibler rifle and a beauty she is with laser engraving commemorating the special day of April 19, 1775. No not his birthday. So he got first shot and finished off the trifecta. He, wife Robbie and daughter Becky have all completed their rifles now and dirtied them up. It was a great sight to see, folks. Congratulations to the Hunt clan on the quality of your builds. They are awesome.

Bob’s Smoke and Fire

So to all who came out today you braved a nasty weather and took a chance we might get it all completed or as it was might not. Thank you for coming and trying. Please enjoy your family time and remember what this weekend is about. Our next shoot is June 22nd so keep your eyes out for the course of fire announcement email as we have a new colorful target July 4th, Independence Day themed since we are close to that great day.

Muzzle of the Month – May 2024

So we look forward to everyone coming and shooting with us Saturday, June 22nd at 8:30am. If you have any questions please holler as I am sure we all have ’em. Our membership renewal is also in full swing now and is $40 annually. It runs from June 1 of current year to May 31 of the following year.

To all thank you again for attending and supporting our merry band of dirty shooters. We keep on trying to make it fun and challenging but not at the expense of your fellowship and friendship. Till next month.

Enjoy the remaining pictures below and the video at the end.

Enjoy the video of the TRBPS monthly meet for May 2024 below:

May 2024

1 Comment

  1. Had a great time meeting everyone that I’ve been watching on YouTube for over a year. Rain or shine you guys have a great thing going. Hope to make it back soon. Thanks for your hospitality.

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