Monthly Meet – November 2024 – Boar & Turkey
by John White
November 16, 2024

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It was a cold morning to start off our final shoot of the year – misty and low 30’s. We had 16 shooters split equally between bench and off hand. We had four admin folks, RSO, videographer, scorekeeper and program director along with seven visitors. We had our warming up fire in the fire ring to take the chill out of the air to go with our hot coffee and donuts to generate some warmth.

We shot our hated Five Turkey target at 25 yards and our boars head at 50 yards. We also had our normal woes, fail- to-fire from caps popping, and flash-in-the-pan along with the occasional dry-ball, which always results in some good old fashioned ribbing and laughter. Our shooters supported each other all day with tools, extra hands, shooting and loading techniques and simple advise in a relaxed, fun environment.

The offhand group did get a bit creative however as their boars’ heads seemed to be hogs released from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources as the bullseyes were tagged with white patches. Were these patches used to track the boars travels through the states?

After about 2.5 hours, our shoot was done and prizes handed out to our skilled yet motley Rogues Gallery of shooters. Our shoot supporters were recognized with steaks and potatoes to take home as a token of thanks for all they do to keep the shoots running efficiently, fairly, and most of all safely this year.
And our shooting results for the November 2024 meet were:
Off Hand:
1st – Billy Townsend
2nd – Jim Gravely
3rd – Tim Lambert
4th – Bob Wilson
Benched or Supported:
1st – Charlie Russel
2nd – Dennis Schmidt
3rd – Jackson P.
4th – Terry Bliss

As to who were the winners? Well, pretty much everyone. Every shooter went home with a prize from frozen meat; turkeys; hams; pork loins; chicken; pork chops; sacks of potatoes; apple, pumpkin, or peach pies. No one went home empty handed.

We have already enhanced our program with a new hawk and knife throwing target that was tried out after the shoot and can be seen here below. We have some video of hapless ne’er do wells attempting to hone their throwing skills with it. We extend a special thanks to Steve B for the donation of the timber, and Doug B for building and delivering it. It will definitely be used to bring a new distraction next year for participants and spectators both.

So to all, our shooting season has come to an end this year. We are thankful for all our shooters, helpers and guests who have experienced what ‘The Talking Rock Black Powder Shooters’ is all about. Please enjoy the Thanksgiving and Christmas season with your family and friends. And so we bid you enjoy the time of the holidays.
Please enjoy the remaining pics below and the video at the end.

Enjoy the video below