Monthly Meet – September 2024 – Crows and Color
by John White
September 28, 2024

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This year has been a difficult and challenging year for our shoots from the weather aspect. From rains and winds hurting us to this week having a hurricane come through and devastate our state and local communities. Thankfully as far as we all know the storms left all of us without significant damage other than maybe flickering lights, loss of power in the short term and leaves, limbs and maybe a tree down for some folks. But no harm to anyone and we are thankful and grateful for that.

We had 11 veteran shooters and 3 observers, scorekeepers, camera crew, RSO’s that were able to make our shoot today. When I say veterans, several are. But most if not all have shot with us for three years or more. We had no newcomers but who can blame them with the uncertainty of the weather. We had a brief discussion on the state of muzzleloading, handed out targets, described the course of fire, asked if anyone was hurt in the storms and simply got to work shooting following the safety brief and procedures overview. About 9:30am it seemed to almost start misting rain for just a few minutes but shooting under cover I do not believe anyone even noticed it might have misted rain for less than say 5 minutes.

We started the September shoot with the shooters registration, set up and sign in at 8:30am and got shooting well before 9:00am. We shot two relays this month, 2 with 10 shots each, patch and roundball, any caliber in these two shooting classifications off hand and bench for score. The classifications did not compete against each other for prizes, just bragging rights. We had six bench shooters and five offhand shooters pretty much the balance we have had all year.

First Relay for individual score:
10 shots at 50 yards, as we have shot a lot of variety targets of late we added some color to our targets this month. So by popular demand or is it just demand? It was a 5 bull paper target for score. It had color rather than our traditional black. I say it was a 5 bull orange target, couple others said the rings were pink. We will go with what I say this time.
Second relay for individual score:
10 shots at 25 yards, paper as well for score. Two small crow bird targets five shots each. We added the two relays together for total score and ranked our shooters.
Our shoot results were as follows:
1st – Charlie Russel
2nd – Mike Lamb
3rd – Tim Coleman
Off Hand:
1st – Erik Rolle
2nd – Bob Wilson
3rd – Billy Townsend

With 11 veteran shooters we did have a few fail to fires and caps popping but everyone was focused and we were done in two hours. Scored, cleaned up, awarded our meat prizes, chatted a few minutes and were gone by 11:40am.

We look forward to everyone coming and shooting with us Saturday, October 26th at 8:30am. Be on the lookout for our next shoot email announcement and course of fire. Who knows what kind of targets the program director will come up with to aggravate you shooters and astound our guests as to how do the shooters hit those targets maybe even with a halloween theme maybe?

If you have any questions please holler as i am sure we all have em. Till next month, thank you all for coming, supporting our group and making the Talking Rock BPShooters Charter Club what it is.

Enjoy the remainder of the pictures below and be sure the check out the video at the end.

Enjoy the video below: