TRBPS Event for August 2022 – Rifle and pistol
by Chris Greene

If I could make any technology change to our humble recording devices, it would be that they could accurately capture and reproduce the savage blast report erupting from these classic and ancient arms. The resounding “BOOMS” are as epic as the massive infernos that spew from the flintlocks’ touch hole upon ignition. You gotta be there to see it and hear it in order to appreciate the awe and splendor the raucous and smokey stench of ignited black powder and hurled lead balls inspire.

We’ve done this so much and so diligently, so dutifully, that no one needs instructions – people just go to work setting up their stations and their targets automatically while yet observing range protocols’ every minutia perfectly. Except for the nerd with the camera, he gets in way – a lot – but he’s tolerated like the camp site cook’s under brewed coffee – because that’s better than no coffee.

The weather was excellent with clear blue skies but with a little-on-the-warm-side temperate climate – scarcely any windage at all. Having the forces of nature smiling upon us resulted in very tight holes punched in the hapless paper targets this day. But that gorgeous weather had no influence whatsoever on staving off the nagging and hovering horrors that beset every muzzle loading meet – – dry-balling, flash in the pans, clogged percussion cones, fly away flints, stuck ramrods, dropped patches, overturned moose milk, missing necessary tools – all the woes of the craft. Why do we put up with it? Because black powder enthusiasts are a stubborn, tenacious, intrepid and defiant band of hardened rouges. We do it because the rewards that follow the mastery and elate the master are greater than the pesky annoyances that follow us like gnats to a hog’s ear.

And during the controlled and yet welcome mayhem are all the banter, haranguing, snide remarks, cursing under breath until that quiet one with his head down and mouth closed consistently nails the 8, the 9, and the 10 rings in abject humility – oh yes, we notice alright. Respect follows but only for a little while. And were it not for this chronicle – it would be forgotten too.
FIRST: Bob Wilson
SECOND: Billy Townsend
THIRD: Brian Porter
FIRST: Mike Lamb
SECOND: Tim Coleman
THIRD: John Butler

All these events produce winners – there are no losers when you see it all through to the end drenched in sweat with blackened hands, a muddied-up firearm with a new scratch or gouge, scraps, cuts, dirt and muck with hunger rumbling in the belly and a parched throat that screams for the cold, wet brew awaiting us at the Talking Rock Tavern. It’s an unspoken understanding among the adept – – newbies are initiated in the tradition.

See you all, we hope, the fourth Saturday in September. Keep bookmarked and check the schedule often.
Chris Greene
founding member and annoying camera bug
Chris this write up is fantastic. Read like a book!! You got the job!!