TRBPS’s Inaugural Event – Chunk Gun Over the Log
by John White

Today (Saturday February 27, 2021) we had our first match for 2021 and was an over the log match. 10 shots. We took some liberties and allowed folks to shoot prone or off the bench as there is really no advantage to either method. We used the primitive range which is the first range on the right as you enter the complex. You have seen the writeup when we announced the match a week or so ago for a better description.
We had 10 shooters, 11 total on the range, cool start for the day but never got chilled or over heated. Really a perfect day to shoot. You are active in this kind of shoot so do not have a real chance to get cold. Finished up about 12.30 and saw one visitor to the complex besides us. Silver pickup and i think it was the trash pickup folks that empty the trash barrels on the ranges. Literally folks no one else even came by the club. Zero, nada other shooters in the entire complex till after 2 when we cleared out. Unreal. Of the 11 on the range, 2 were pcsc members, 5 TRBPS members and remainder guests and we are so grateful they came to shoot with us. They seemed to very much enjoy this unique match and it is one that seven of us had never seen let alone shot. Handed out a couple TRBPS apps so hope we get some more members bruce.
We were not crowded at all on the range and probably could handle twice the number of shooters as is. Logistics went exactly as planned, stayed on schedule and we only got slowed done once and that was on the 10th shot. Not going to say who, but we had the dreaded dryball folks. It was easy setup, easy cleanup for the match and i do not believe anyone will even know we used that range. It is like we were never there clean. Or as the scouts say, leave it in better shape than when you got there. We done it.
So results,
First three,
First – jon burgess
Second – brad thomas
Third – bobbie wilson.
My to do is get the funds collected to our treasurer and start planning our March 27th shoot. I hope it will be a variation on a woodswalk that complies with all PCSC rules and regs. Thank you jon and Doug for the match idea, setup, cleanup, keeping us on track, providing necessary equipment, targets, scoring equipment, you name it.
I will hopefully send out some pictures in the near future. Thank you all for the support, comraderie, free spirits, understanding, atmosphere, you name it. Would not have been a great day without you all. Anyone can add anything you would like, ask questions, add comments. It is all good.
Take care all, stay safe and healthy. See you next time.
TRBPShooters – Program Mgr